home brewing

Home Brewing Made Easy

Richmond Hill Brewing Company have always been innovators and have been happy to share their skill and knowledge with others, particularly with other brewing enthusiasts.

Niall Cook, Brew Master at RHBC says, “We thoroughly enjoy working with home brewers and have done a number of collaborations to produce some really good beer.”

One of the biggest challenges for people venturing into home brewing is sourcing and creating the wort.  This is no easy task but RHBC, who have the equipment, time and expertise to produce wort will sell it to home brewers.  This allows the home brewers to focus on the fermentation andbotteling.

What is wort?

Beer is usually made from just four ingredients; water, grain, yeast and hops. The wort is the part that comes from the mixing of water and grain.

The wort is prepared in a special way and the grain, usually barley, has already germinated and comes with little sprouts.  This sprouted grain, which is full of starch, is then placed in a kiln to stop the sprouting.  This grain is known as malt and the malt is milled and cracked to release the starch and to allow it to mix more freely with water.

When this milled grain has hot water added it is known as mashing and the soaked grain is known as mash.  The mash is then steeped, a process that converts the starch into sugars which dissolve in the water.  It is the sugars that are required for alcohol.

The temperature at which the mash is heated determines how fermentable it becomes. A high temperature produces a low level of fermentability and the opposite is true for a low temperature.   Low fermentable mash, which also has more body, is ideal for stout and high fermentable mash is best for a larger.

The next step is to separate the solid mash from the liquid.  This process is known as lautering and the liquid that has been extracted is, you guessed it, the wort.

How to order your wort from RHBC

RHBC sells wort in minimum quantities of 20 liters.  Homebrewers can drop off their container at RHBC and collect it later.  Not only do RHBC provide the wort, but they will provide the yeast too.

For those new to home brewing the next steps are up to you but RHBC can be of further assistance.

“We have a very knowledgeable team at RHBC and are happy to give advice to home brewers.  At the end of the day we would like grow the micro brewing industry. We also work closely with the Yeastern Cape Brew Club who are always happy to induct new members,” says Niall.

For more information and pricing contact RHBC on 066 472 6352 or email sales@richmondhillbrewing.com.

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